Anyone who still believes we live in a "Western liberal democracy" must have their head so deeply in the sand that extracting it would give them a close-up view of Ayers Rock.

Have the privileged pips now starting to squeak learned nothing about the emerging totalitarian nature of our society from the fate of Julian Assange, Tommy Robinson, and more recently, Alex Belfield?

Their turn yesterday. Yours today. Everybody's tomorrow.


Incidentally does the Free Speech Union seriously expect the Westminster bum-warmers to devise an "effective mechanism" to protect free speech when they are manifestly the primary architects of its destruction, through egregious legislation such as the policing and online safety (sic) Bills.

And have we already forgotten the deliberate defenestration of basic human rights and freedoms - supported by ALL the major Parliamentary parties - during the past two and a half years of the pseudo-pandemic?

Will still-wet-behind-the-ears PM Liz Truss break the political mould and repudiate her globalist sock puppet predecessor's commitment to the dystopian Great Reset and the complementaryUN Agenda 21/20 programme?

If not, then much more than just free speech are going to end up down the plughole.

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Sep 26, 2022
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Sadly, you are right.

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